
NEWS..... NEWS......

Point Shoot Play will be here

Fri through Sun 14th-16th March..... We will be conducting Workshops as well as demonstrating the Wacom Bamboo Creative Fun.... To find out more re what classes are on-please email us.. Limited spaces available...

A Photography class is also being held on Sunday 16th March at The Craft Attic-email Debra for more info...

There are a few places available for the below classes.. Please contact shops direct to find out more or to book your place..

- Sunday 3rd Feb-Permission To Play-Paper Addiction-Lawnton

-Saturday 16th Feb-Basics 101-The Craft Attic-Morningside


OMG What a Weekend We Had...

I won't bore you with all the details... (ok, I might-apparently it's good to get things off your chest) Lets just say, we spent most of our day on Monday here

For this...

Poor Jay (he was in pain-but had to get a pic for Grandma). The boys arrived home on Sunday.. All Jay wanted to do was go to a skateboard park. I felt sooo guilty that Robbie (the king parrot) got out and flew away Sat morning, and suggested that we should get a few additions to the Master Tank.. Well Monday morning found Nemo without a home as it got minced by one of the tank filters-needless to say we were on a down hill run.. So Don took Jay to the Skate Park-after 30 secs, I get a call-and on the way to the hospital we went.. What could get worse after this day-nothing all was good-school books covered and ready to go..... Don't ask yourself "what else can go wrong" cause something will.... We had a flood in the kitchen which is next to my office-flooded.....

LOL-now its all over we laugh..... Jay starts school tomorrow (he had the first 2 days of school off) Ash had started on Tuesday....


Could Be...

I was reading various blogs tonight.... I came across this blog and the above song... "Don't Blink" For any that know me I do not usually listen to country music.. But this song-the lyrics got me.. Could be I am missing the boys terribly.. Love you Boys....


It's Not That Bad...

Each morning before work, I have been going through the "before" room and putting away in the "after" room, last night when I got home from a PSP meeting with the girls plus one (I'll fill you on the one soon)I looked at the "before" room and became quite deflated.. Is that all I've done... But this morning I saw the photo from Monday's post and I feel a lot better-slowly but surely, the piles are decreasing... I have the lovely Miz D coming tonight to go through the "before" room with me-must say, Miz D does like my give aways.. (don't tell her I said that-LOL) But I do have a few items that I thought you all may be interested in-I'll pop them on ebay and post the link... You know those items you have sooo many of-1 or 2 that have never been opened let alone used-and believe me, you don't need 3 of the exact same thing-just in case you use it. Do yourself a favour-if you run out then buy another one..
I came across a few sample invites and pressies I had made for friends in a draw. I didn't want to get rid of them, but what to do with them??? I turned them into magnets... By cutting up a real estate magnet (sorry LJ Hooker-but thanks) and adhering it to the back viola.. I also did the same to a few metal bead and watch tins...
I have had time to purchase a few new Digital/Hybrid kits, elements.. I have started to play-will let you know how I go, once finished....



This weekend has found Don and I (in between classes) setting up our office, well really its my office, LOL.. Its amazing how much we collect over weeks, months and years.. We had one of the cabinet makers from work build our layout.. What fun it is to go through all my goodies and put away. I am a closet neat freak-I just don't tend to follow this through in all areas of my life-I think Laziness takes over.. But in this room... As I would like everything to have a place, something I thought that should take a day maybe two to complete....... I/we are nearly there..

What I have to Go...

Bench and Storage

Desk-Still Arranging

Old Paper Rack-FOR SALE

$20.00-Pick Up-Brisbane-Email me if you are interested.
With the boys away still we have the time-it is so quiet.. We really are missing the boys.. They are having sooooo much fun though.. Over the weekend they were with Uncle Shaun, Lesley and Toby.. Uncle Shaun has successfully converted them both to South Sydney Supporters (Shaun is the Merchandise and Licensing Manager for the Rabbitohs)
Both classes went well over the weekend..What I really love above all is meeting you all and watching you all grow more confident with what you are doing.. I even spied a few layouts on the walls the shops with wonderful enchantments to the photos from participants from last years classes...


Slack Slack Slack & NEWS....

Oh, how the year is flying already....
Class dates for Jan and what is confirmed for Feb are up..
Final (i hope) touches are being put on the website-shouldn't be too long now..
Thank you for all being so patient..
News Time...
We have also starting soon PhotoBooks and Calendars
All classes from Feb are now taught with the use of Wacom tablets and individual use of a laptop..
Private one on one classes are now also available-email me for more info..
Our printing Software has just been updated-please download before your next order...
A few updates on the home front...
Back at work this week...
Ashton finally lost his first tooth (see below) and had the first visit from the Tooth Fairy..
Amazing how inflation has hit the tooth fairy as well.. I think my first tooth got me 10c-Ashton-$2.00-she really should carry smaller change...
The boys are off again-down to Sydney, this time for family time with Oma..


The Boys Are Back In Town...

Well, not to tonight...
I then have a whole week with them-Bliss..
Still filing photos that I found at mum and dads-check out these two.. Shows how some things change and some don't.. Jay still has a gorgeous smile and Ash still gives us that look-lol

We have had a few emails on our workshop schedule for this year, I will be adding January's up tomorrow-for up coming workshops, please email me or contact your local scrapbook store.. We have had a over whelming response to the workshops-Thank you.. As we put the finishing touches on this half of the years workshop formats-please drop us a line-if there is something that you would like to see included..

Soon all is revealed....



While the cat is away... We will play..

In our case the cat is our boys... Both Don and I have been playing...

Don with his Marine tank that he is building.. Man, has be put some work into this-I am quiet proud (don't tell i said that though-good thing he doesn't read my blog-LOL). The tank,stand and filtration have all been built by Don or to his designs :)

And me with photos and a few cool purchases.. The one below is a Storyboard template from onceauponastoryboard it was from the Snow White and the Seven Storyboards Collection. With elements from the Photo A Day Template Pack by Two Sister Designs at ScrapArtist (see below).. The Great News is that Point Shoot Play has been given permission to utilise the fantastic templates and elements from the Photo A Day Kit (great for hybrid projects or photo prints) for use in our NEW Workshops-Promise all is be revealed soon....


Happy Hot /Wet New Year..

I know it completely depends on where you are in Australia.. We left Mackay on Wednesday-hot enough at 5am. To drive into the rain, which seems to have stayed-while the kids are still in Mackay enjoying 34 degrees plus -why wasn't it hot and sunny when we were up there-LOL...Prior to coming home-New Years Eve was a tame night for us, after the rain, the bugs came out to play-so we all stayed indoors and had a great night.. The boys went mad with glow sticks...Don and I have been having a great time (missing the kids like mad though) watching DVDs and organising ourselves and the household for the New Year...

I have been catching up on my blog reading/stalking ... A huge congrates to Petrina, who is now on the design team for Craft Queen and has two fantastic items in Scrapbook Creations 49.. You go girl.
Peta, has been a busy girl playing, Sara is off line for a week or so-oh, what is a girl to do without a PC-help..........
I'll be back soon with some huge news......