Time is really getting ahead, with all that we do it really is amazing that we can find time for ourselves... I did-a mere 2 hours on Friday-in the comfort of a recliner-sick as a dog-i got to watch a oh so silly girly movie, no kids, no husband, no work and this is the most amazing bit-my phones didn't ring-yep-all 3 stayed at bay for 2 hours...
The best bit 10 weeks to Christmas... Even better Halloween is next week-instead of going trick or treating this year (we had 30 kids come along last year) we are having a Halloween Party, that the boys must have lost the right too and earned it back like 5 times now.. I'd wish I'd stop using it as a threat-I don't know who is more excited, them or Don and I-LOL.
Below is the invite I made using a Studio Taran Kit from http://www.scrapbookinggraphics.com/

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