
New Class..

We have just added the class description for our "Refresher" or "build your skills" class, however you would like to look at it, take your Great Photos and make them Awesome Photos...

This class is being held at;

- A Creative Place
- Blossies
- My Scrappin Shop
- Stamp Art Studio


Travelling Along..

Here's a photo from Sunday afternoon's class @ Scrapbook & Stamp Madness Coorparoo, thank you to Fiona for having us.

The year has been travelling along nicely...

X Mel


Trash The Dress - MEL....

Check out a few of Sara's pics of Mel from the Trash the Dress Session last Dec... These ROCK...

X Mel


A Wonderful Workshop..

Thanks to Rachel and all the wonderful ladies from the weekend's workshop -
An Afternoon With Rachel.. Love learning from others...
X Mel



We would like to thank www.designerdigitals.com As well as learning great techniques and utilising awesome designs by Rhonna Farrer, www.designerdegitals.com have granted permission for various digital elements to be utilised during Point Shoot Play classes..


I just noticed that the last 3 posts have had no photos-very sad, so I added a few below....

X Mel

Photography Workshop..

This afternoon and tomorrow we are lucky enough to be joining Rachel for her Photography Workshop. Will post pics soon.

X Mel


The Newest Pearcy..

Welcome James-Sara has popped an update on her blog..

He is a beautiful...

X Mel